Pub. 10 2021-2022 Issue 2

This magazine is designed and published by The newsLINK Group, LLC | 1.855.747.4003 New Car Dealers Association San Diego County 10065 Mesa Ridge Court San Diego, CA 92121 1067 Park View Drive | Covina, CA 91724 | (626) 858-5100 | Fax (626) 332-7012 YOUR SUCCESS... IS OUR SUCCESS ➢ Committed to our Dealer Clients for over 40 Years ➢ Helping to Optimize your Business Operations ➢ Providing the Highest Quality Tax and Accounting Services ➢ Consulting & Management Support ➢ Estate Planning & Dealer Succession Opportunities George R. Applebaum, CPA Shareholder (626) 858-5100, ext. 215 Scott M. Biehl, CPA Managing Shareholder (626) 858-5100, ext. 229 Andy R. Jones, CPA Shareholder (626) 858-5100, ext. 2 37 1067 Park View Drive | Covina, CA 91724 | (626) 858-5100 | Fax (626) 332-7012 YOUR SU IS OUR SU ➢ Co mitted to our D aler Clients f r over 40 Years ➢ Helping to Opt mize your Business Operations ➢ Providing the Highest Quality Tax and Accounting Services ➢ Consulting & M nagement Support ➢ Es ate Plan ing & Dealer Succession Opportunities George R. Applebaum, CPA Shareholder (626) 858-5100, ext. 215 gapplebaum@rog Scott M. Biehl, CPA Managing Shareholder (626) 858-5100, ext. 229 Andy R. Jones, CPA Shareholder (626) 858-5100, ext. 237