Recently, 2023-2024 NCDA Chairman Chris George and a few of the NCDA Board members had lunch with Senator Toni Atkins. The Senator asked the group a refreshing question, “What are we doing in Sacramento that drives you crazy?” The resounding answer was that California’s laws and regulations, and the OEM’s overreach of both, create opposition instead of the support that dealers need. As Chairman, Chris is ready to address these issues. When asked about his plans, he said, “I’m going to work on relationships to find common ground for all the stakeholders. The Government and the manufacturers are stepping more and more into operations with good intentions, but adverse results affect the environment at the store level. Dealers want to be good partners for the OEM; we need each other. The objective should be mutually the protection and promotion of free enterprise and a partnership promoting the welfare of each other. Win-win.” “All the laws and regulations in California are an attack on small businesses,” Chris stated. He believes that as the State increasingly gets out of its lane and drifts into the business community, the State’s bubble of power gets bigger and the dealer’s ability to conduct efficient business shrinks. “There is a tendency for humans to want to expand beyond our roles; it’s the same for businesses, organizations and government.” Abraham Kuyper, former Prime Minister of the Netherlands and philosopher, has had a major influence on Chris’s beliefs toward the roles of State, family, church, business and education. Kuyper taught that we all live and exist in different spheres and that the spheres can interact and stay separate — there are different areas of responsibility Getting to Know NCDA Incoming Chairman Photos: Chris George and his wife Debbie along with his racing bike, his favorite hobby. Chris George 8 SAN DIEGO DEALER