Pub. 12 2023-2024 Issue 2

San Diego Auto Outlook 2018 2023 Change Light truck market share 57.7% 71.5% UP 13.8 points Domestic brand market share 27.8% 35.3% UP 7.5 points Area new retail vehicle registrations 149,914 142,794 DOWN 4.7% U.S. new retail vehicle registrations 13,846,381 12,364,280 DOWN 10.7% Battery electric vehicle market share 4.7% 22.2% UP 17.5 points 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Regs. 77953 90226 101892 129458 142695 149968 164109 163781 159567 149914 142541 129204 145950 131906 142794 148000 New retail light vehicle registrations Years LONG TERM TRENDS New Vehicle Registrations in 2024 Should Approach 2018 Levels The graph below provides a long term perspective of new vehicle registrations in the San Diego County market. The table below shows key trends. County New Retail Light Vehicle Registrations - 2009 thru 2023, 2024 Forecast County market improved in 2023 as supply chain issues eased. Registrations reached 142,794 units last year and increased by 4.6% from 2022. Auto Outlook is predicting an increase of at least 3.6% this year. Key Trends in San Diego County Market - 2018 to 2023 Data sourced from Experian Automotive. 28 SAN DIEGO DEALER