Pub. 12 2023-2024 Issue 2

© 2024 New Car Dealers Association® San Diego County (NCDA) | The newsLINK Group, LLC. All rights reserved. San Diego Dealer is published four times each year by The newsLINK Group, LLC for the NCDA and is the official publication for this association. The information contained in this publication is intended to provide general information for review, consideration and education. The contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such. If you need legal advice or assistance, it is strongly recommended that you contact an attorney as to your specific circumstances. The statements and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the NCDA, its board of directors, or the publisher. Likewise, the appearance of advertisements within this publication does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any product or service advertised. San Diego Dealer is a collective work, and as such, some articles are submitted by authors who are independent of the NCDA. While San Diego Dealer encourages a first-print policy, in cases where this is not possible, every effort has been made to comply with any known reprint guidelines or restrictions. Content may not be reproduced or reprinted without prior written permission. For further information, please contact the publisher at 855-747-4003. CHAIRMAN CHRIS GEORGE...................... DISTRICT 4 VICE CHAIRMAN JOHN SEGAL........................... DISTRICT 3 SECRETARY/TREASURER ERIC TRACY........................... DISTRICT 1 BOARD MEMBERS JENIFER BALL......................... DISTRICT 6 MATT CRANDALL.................. DISTRICT 2 PAUL DYKE............................. DISTRICT 4 BANU GREWAL...................... DISTRICT 3 SCOTT KIEFNER..................... DISTRICT 6 JASON MOSSY........................ DISTRICT 5 NATHAN THOMPSON............ DISTRICT 1 NCDA STAFF SCOTT WEBB PRESIDENT DIANA SILVA ACCOUNTING AND ADMINISTRATION MANAGER CLAUDIA OLVERA MEETING AND FACILITIES COORDINATOR ROBERT HEINTZ CALIFORNIA SALES TRAINING ACADEMY INSTRUCTOR Contents 10065 Mesa Ridge Court San Diego, CA 92121-2916 Tel: (858) 550-0080 Fax: (858) 550-9537 8 18 Publication 12 | 2023-2024 Issue 2 | Spring 6 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Driving Engagement at the Auto Show 8 The San Diego International Auto Show Where the Cars Are the Stars® 13 NEW ASSOCIATE MEMBER American Fidelity 14 Ransomware Costs Businesses Record-High $1 Billion in 2023 Your 5-Step Plan to Prevent Attacks in 2024 By Fisher Phillips 16 Safe Driving at Work By Sam Celly, BChE MChE, JD CSP, Celly Services Inc. 18 Redefining What It Means To Be a Supercar in an Electrified Era Bridging the Divide: Plans for Manufacturers to Satisfy Car Enthusiasts and Dealers By Alysha Webb, Editor, Scali Rassmussen, Getting to Go! 19 Ask Alison: Is Your Dealership Compliant? By Alison McCallum, EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants 20 San Diego Auto Outlook First Quarter 2024 4 SAN DIEGO DEALER