Pub 12 2022 Issue 4

21 AZBANKERS.ORG bill. Together, we blanketed Capitol Hill with a succinct, united message: the Credit Card Competition Act is terrible public policy that should not be enacted. Our combined efforts proved the hollowness of this bill – it failed to attract a single cosponsor beyond the initial two in both the House and Senate or gain enough support to advance as a standalone measure and was successfully blocked from any other bills moving through Congress as the lame-duck session came to a close. This win underscores the tremendous value of our state association alliance and demonstrates the power that our industry can have when we unite behind one message. It’s also an important reminder about vigilance. We can’t say for certain whether and how these bad ideas will rear their heads again in Congresses to come. But what we can say is that if they do, our industry will be ready to respond. w Email Rob at Bankers know all too well that the 2010 Durbin Amendment had disastrous consequences for banks and their customers: it increased the costs of checking accounts and debit cards and ultimately led to the elimination of popular debit card rewards programs.