Pub 12 2022 Issue 4

7 AZBANKERS.ORG summer preparing to advance “ESG” legislation in multiple states. ESG is a perfect example of where conspiracy and a minimal working knowledge of how banks work collide. We can expect to see more mandates on who banks can and can’t do business with. Ironically, the support or opposition to mandates to bank firearms or to not bank oil and gas will fall along party lines, yet neither recognizes the inconsistencies of their position. We should also expect the unexpected as, each year, new bills that would impact banking are introduced. With so many new faces that entered the Legislature in January, it is ever more crucial that new and incumbent legislators are educated on the nuances of the banking industry, increasing their understanding in a way that we get in front of misinformation coming down the pipe. We are prepared. Much of the Association’s success can be attributed to the active involvement of the Association’s membership. We maintain an active Government Relations Committee and we are thankful for the membership engagement in the Political Action Committee. Those messages have been and will continue to be carried to the capitol through dedicated Association staff and a decades-long standing relationship with the team at Veridus. w We have also pushed back, and won, against many of the most egregious efforts to regulate who banks can and can’t do business with or to legislate new costly mandates.