111 West Monroe, Suite 440 Phoenix, Arizona 85003 THIS MAGAZINE IS DESIGNED AND PUBLISHED BY THE NEWSLINK GROUP, LLC 1.855.747.4003 in loans purchased in one month by community banks BHG Bank Network • Monthly Snapshot 263 Banks purchased loans on the BHG Loan Hub 385 Banks reviewed loans daily on the BHG Loan Hub Join the largest bank network in America, where over 1,450 banks have access to the highest-quality borrowers in the country. $400MM CONTACT: Keith Gruebele • kGruebele@bhgbanks.com • BHGLoanHub.com/AZ Building on two decades of innovation, the BHG Bank Network of fers a full suite of programs that span business, consumer, and SBA 7(a) loans, collection services, risk management services, and point-of-sale financing. To date, over 1,450 bank par tners have trusted in this program as a proven source of interest income and diversification for their bank. Scan now to start exploring top-performing loans today