Pub. 10 2020 Issue 4

PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SALT LAKE CITY, UT PERMIT NO. 508 111 West Monroe, Suite 440 Phoenix, Arizona 85003 THIS MAGAZINE IS DESIGNED AND PUBLISHED BY THE NEWSLINK GROUP, LLC 1.855.747.4003 PMA Funding is a service of PMA Financial Network, LLC and PMA Securities, LLC (member FINRA, SIPC) (collectively“PMA”). PMA Securities, LLC is a broker-dealer and municipal advisor registered with the SEC and MSRB. Visit our websites at and for more information. ©2019 PMA Financial Network, LLC. All rights reserved. Relax. We do the work. For over 35 years, PMA Funding™ (PMA) has been a leading provider of stable deposit and cost-effective funding solutions. The result: financial institutions have been able to diversify and manage their liquidity needs with greater flexibility. The PMA companies provide financial services to more than 3,200 public entities and administer client assets over $27.5 billion, which offers our banking partners a dependable source of funding. Through unique funding capabilities, we develop custom deposit programs to meet your funding needs using a variety of deposit vehicles. PMA’s client deposits provide the size and savings of the secondary CDmarket with the flexibility and stability of core deposits, without disrupting your local markets. Put the days of worry—and cannibalizing your funding sources—behind you, and relax. We do the work. Call us at 800.783.4273 or visit us at p 800.783.4273 w *Total assets under administration as of 12.31.19 include money market pool assets for which the PMA companies serve as fund administrator/ accountant, marketer/distributer, fixed income program provider (brokerage services), and/or investment advisory, or separat institutional accounts. PMA Funding is a service of PMA Financial Network, LLC and PMA Securities, LLC (member FINRA, SIPC) (collectively “PMA”). PMA Securities, LLC is a broker-dealer and municipal advisor registered with the SEC and MSRB. ©2020 PMA Financial Network, LLC. All rights reserved.