JeffreyWolters District Manager 9000 Cameron Parkway Oklahoma City, OK 73114 800-654-8489, Ext. 2602 We know the automotive drill: High stakes. High pressure. High sales goals. That’s why you need a partner who can keep the pace, reduce the headaches, and simplify [employee benefits and administration]. With our year-round benefits enrollment, we’re there on your schedule for your people. So you can focus on your team’s high performance. For insider knowledge, consider American Fidelity for a different opinion. Help is here. • Strategic Voluntary Benefits • Cost-Management Benefits Solutions • Employee Benefits Education Automotive professionals deserve a specialist. SB-30819-0117 American Fidelity Assurance Company E M P L O Y E R B E N E F I T S O L U T I O N S F O R A U T O M O T I V E . . 51671 GADA GENERATOR 2022 Cover.indd 3 2/2/22 11:48