Pub. 2 2023-2024 Directory

54 | 2024 Membership Directory ARTICLE I — NAME Section 1. This Association shall be an incorporated body, its charter having been granted by order of the Superior Court of Fulton County; and the corporate name shall be Georgia Automobile Dealers Association. ARTICLE II — PURPOSE Section 1. Purpose and objectives for which the Association is formed are as follows: To afford opportunities to its members to associate and exchange views, and to take such concerted action as may be desirable, looking to the betterment of the trade conditions generally in the State of Georgia. To do, perform and engage in such things as will promote and safeguard the interests of the franchised new car and/or truck dealers in the State of Georgia; and other purposes of like nature. ARTICLE III — MEMBERSHIP Section 1. All applications for membership shall be made upon the prescribed form, which shall contain such pertinent information as the Board of Directors may deem necessary. Applications for all categories of membership shall be subject to approval by the Board of Directors or its designee(s). Section 2. There shall be three classes of membership — Active, Sustaining and Associate. Any franchised new car and/or truck dealer actively engaged in the business of selling new motor vehicles shall be eligible for membership as an Active Member. Membership shall be in the firm or corporation name. Each active firm or corporation shall designate a person to be its representative in the Association and who shall represent, vote and act for the member in all affairs of the Association. Any member in good standing whose franchise agreement with a manufacturer of new motor vehicles is terminated, voluntarily or involuntarily, shall be eligible for continued membership as a Sustaining Member if such member’s dues are current as of the date of termination and that such member continues to be actively engage in the business of selling used vehicles. Sustaining members shall not be eligible to vote or to serve as members of the Board of the Association or its affiliates or subsidiaries. Any individual, co-partnership or corporation engaged in a business allied with the sale of motor vehicles shall be eligible for membership as an Associate Member, without the right to vote. Section 3. Membership shall not be transferable. If any person, firm or corporation elected to membership, either Active, Sustaining or Associate, shall thereafter cease to be engaged in a business outlined in Section 2, membership shall automatically cease. Should such business later become possessed on qualifications for membership, such membership may be reinstated by the Board of Directors. Section 4. Any member whose dues, assessments, or fees for services remain unpaid for a period of sixty (60) days after they become due shall automatically cease to be a member of the Association and forfeit all rights and benefits. Such member may reapply for membership as provided for all new members or with the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors be reinstated if such member shall have first paid all back dues, assessments or fees for services that may have been accumulated during the member’s period of delinquency. BY-LAWS OF THE GEORGIA AUTO DEALERS ASSOCIATION (As Amended April 2020)