GADA BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ISSUE 1, 2023–2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS THE Charles Prater Chair Bo Scott Chair-Elect Marsh Butler Secretary/Treasurer Lehman Franklin Immediate Past Chair Matthew Laughridge North Georgia Area Vice Chair Mike Domenicone West Georgia Area Vice Chair ©2023 The Georgia Automobile Dealers Association is proud to present The Generator as a benefit of membership in the association. No member dues were used in the publishing of this news magazine. All publishing costs were borne by advertising sales. Purchase of any products or services from paid advertisements within this magazine are the sole responsibility of the consumer. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of The Georgia Automobile Dealers Association or its publisher, The newsLINK Group, LLC. Any legal advice should be regarded as general information. It is strongly recommended that one contact an attorney for counsel regarding specific circumstances. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured by The newsLINK Group, LLC. 4 Spotlight On 2023-2024 GADA Chairman Charles Prater 8 On My Mind By Lea Kirschner, GADA President and CEO 10 2023-2024 GADA Board of Directors 14 2023 GADA Convention Highlights 18 Message From NADA Director NADA Notes By Steve Middlebrooks, NADA Director 20 Insurance Insights The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): Are You Staying in Compliance? By Shawn Presnell, Managing Director of Insurance Services 22 Headlights On the Law Loaners, Demos and Rentals: BEWARE! By Ben Jordan, GADA General Counsel and Director of Governmental Relations 26 Dealerships Must Use New Form I-9 Beginning November 1 By Matt Simpson, Fisher Phillips 29 Awards and Achievements 30 Grassroots at Work 32 GADA Community Outreach 34 Why Wait? How Evaluating Your Dealership Can Help Your Business By Maxime Theoret, CPA and Managing Partner & Jennifer Rafael, Vice President and Partner at DSMA 36 Partnerships Help Dealers Succeed By Sharon Kitzman, Dominion DMS 40 Dealership Facility Design Adapts to Shifts in Auto Retailing By Jason W. Smith, Head of Truist Dealer Services, and Joe Pella, head of National Commercial Real Estate at Truist. Written in partnership with Ryan Stancill, Principal at Praxis3 Architecture Design Firm 43 Georgia Auto Outlook District 1 Jason Denson Matt Laughridge Charles Prater District 2 Justin Fuller Bill Holt Bill Howell District 3 William Bridges Michael Domenicone Stacey Ellis Hodges Ted Hayes Ernest Hodge Austin Pugmire Ryan Regnier Bo Scott Valery Voyles District 4 Trey Dettmering Wanda Howell District 5 Bill Gibbs David Jones Wesley Middlebrooks District 6 Jessica Clayton Emanuel Jones Dana McCracken District 7 Marsh Butler Jim Jackson Tim Redding, Jr. District 8 David Flowers Forest Hutchinson Al Park District 9 Mike Burch Mark Howell Chip O’Steen District 10 Lehman Franklin Chad Nesmith Spencer Thomas Heavy Trucks Director Rick Reynolds Public Group Representative Mike Sullivan Marsh Butler East Central Area Vice Chair David Flowers Southwest Area Vice Chair Chad NeSmith Southeast Area Vice Chair Steve Middlebrooks NADA Director GEORGIA AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION 2060 Powers Ferry Road SE, Atlanta, GA 30339 (770) 432-1658 3 THE GENERATOR