Pub 12 2023 Issue 3

BLOK Session II CLASS CONVENES IN KANSAS CITY he 2023 BLOK class members met in Kansas City on May 24-26 to continue their training, which kicked off at UMB Bank’s Headquarters. UMB President of Institutional Banking Phil Mason welcomed the class and stressed the importance of leadership development, how it complements technical expertise and the strong need for both. Ted Garnett of Performance Resources Consulting, LLC led the class in a half-day session titled “Leadership Accountability.” During his presentation, Mr. Garnett took the class through several hands-on exercises that helped the group learn effective leadership strategies and that you need to be accountable to your team and yourself. Day two started with a full slate of speakers at the Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City, starting with a brief history of the Federal Reserve presented by Executive Writer and Historian Tim Todd. Mr. Todd talked about the bank’s origins, what the banking system looked like before its founding, and how it has transformed over the years. Jason Brown, Vice President and Economist, led the class through an Economic Outlook focused on Kansas and the 10th Federal Reserve District, and the morning concluded with Patrick Balint, Assistant Vice President, Kansas City E&I Community Banking Organizations, giving the group a detailed review of Kansas banking conditions and trends. Kelly Dubbert, Interim President, First Vice President and COO, warmly welcomed the class to the bank and discussed the search for a new bank president. Following lunch and a group photo, the class enjoyed a tour of the Fed. The class reconvened to listen to Tara Humston, Senior Vice President – Supervision and Risk Management Division, who welcomed the group with an in-depth presentation on the hot topics affecting the banking industry and the Federal Reserve Banking System. Ms. Humston addressed the status of the new FedNow program, the bank’s discount window, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) regulatory concerns. Joel Leftwich, Chief Strategy Officer for Kansas Farm Bureau (KFB), described, a nonpartisan resource designed to encourage and support Kansans to consider public service at all levels. Mr. Leftwich talked about the partnership with the KBA and other trade groups on this initiative, why it is essential to get more people engaged in running for office, and the longterm negative impacts of not having qualified industry representatives serving in public office. A distinguished Urban Banker Panel made up of Joe Close, President of Country Club Bank in Kansas City; Travis Hicks, CEO of TriCentury T Kansas House Majority Leader, Col. Chris Croft, highlighted his own leadership philosophy centered around people, integrity and excellence. KBA President and CEO Doug Wareham and FDIC Regional Director James LaPierre kicked off the last day of the session with the importance of engaging with our regulators. (L-R) Panelists Country Club Bank’s Joe Close, TriCentury Bank’s Travis Hicks and Arvest Bank’s Mark Larrabee talked about the competitiveness of the banking industry and workforce challenges. 8