Pub. 10 2021 Directory

O ver 100 KBA associate members offer everything from accounting, correspondent banking, consulting, investment, legal, technology and any number of other bank related products and services. Many of these companies have been associate members for over 20 years and have supported the KBA, our member banks and Kansas banking in general through the good times and the bad. Considering the current state of our industry, we are seeing numerous new companies wanting to get involved with the KBA and bring their specialized areas of expertise to our Kansas banks. In turn, those that have been with us for a long time are continually changing and keeping up with the times, whether it’s updating current products and services or adding new lines of business. Not only do our associate members bring us top-of-the line products and services, but they also help by sponsoring KBA conferences, seminars and other events. Without those sponsorship dollars we would be limited in the scope of what we could bring to you — our member banks. It is a combination of those sponsorships and your attendance that allow us to continue to bring you the very best and most up- to-date educational opportunities. This special annual directory is published each spring with our May/June issue of The Kansas Banker. Please take time to look through this guide and when you are looking for bank solutions, please reference this directory to find an impressive array of companies that truly care about banking in Kansas and are proud to be Associate Members and Endorsed Vendors of the Kansas Bankers Association. Sincerely, Doug Wareham, President and CEO Kansas Bankers Association Cover Photo Credit: Nancy Johnson, Citizens State Bank & Trust, Ellsworth Photo Credit: Kevin Fruechting, Tampa State Bank, Marion 4