KBA 7/23 An independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Bring well-being to your workplace Contact us today bcbsks.com/worksite-wellness Our experts can help you develop and implement a wellness program at no additional cost. Benefits include: • Improved productivity • Lower healthcare costs • Less turnover • Enhanced recruitment more opportunities for recognition, and encouraging walking breaks to reduce anxiety and stress. • From the top, make mental health a priority. When leaders use the programs and policies in place and model healthy behavior, employees will feel safe using them. From large meetings to one-on-ones, every interaction is an opportunity to encourage employees to use the resources available to them. • Role model and learn from each other. Encourage employees to find ways to share their success stories with one another. Especially when it comes to mental health, every testimonial is a chance to make someone feel less alone and more engaged. Whether you are just getting started or already have a worksite wellness program, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas is here to help. Our team can provide consultations, wellness tools (online and app), educational sessions, biometric screening support, and health and wellness resources. Mark Thompson is a group wellness coordinator for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas. You can reach him at mark.thompson@bcbsks.com or at 785-291-8528. For more information, visit Bcbsks.com/health-and-wellness/worksite-wellness. 37