Pub. 9 2020 Issue 6

Pub. 9 2020 Issue 6 7 of pro-banking candidates elected to serve in the Kansas Statehouse. I’m also extremely proud to report a steadily increasing number of Kansas banks (117 and growing) that are benefiting from the legal and compliance assistance provided by KBA’s Kansas Bankers Consulting Services. We have also made great strides in preparing a statewide industry image campaign that will reach every corner of Kansas in 2021. This campaign will tell the positive story of our industry and it will highlight the role of our association to the policymakers, business and civic leaders, as well as the general public. A snapshot of the principles that will guide the messaging for this campaign is provided below: Banker Driven: The Kansas Bankers Association provides a meaningful point of difference by being banker driven. The decisions made by the association are always made with its membership in the forefront. Membership can trust that the organization is acting in their best interest because the membership is leading the action. With 98% participation in the association, the representation is an accurate reflection of Kansas banks. All voices are heard because nearly every voice participates. Financial Viability: The banks of Kansas are all facing the same challenges. Shifting consumer habits, competition from outside traditional banks, regulatory climate and taxation all affect the banks’ ability to operate and maintain financial stability. Sacrifices to service is not an option, so member banks must seek other means to improve their performance. Kansas Bankers Association provides the answer to this need through its catalog of support services. The benefits of membership with the Kansas Bankers Association extend the banks’ abilities to focus on their most important function, serving their communities. Members know that the KBA can help them alleviate the duress from outside influences. Connecting Connectors: The banks in Kansas connect the fabric of our communities. At the heart of nearly every success story in Kansas is a bank that was willing to help. The banks of Kansas connect the dreamers and doers of the state with the resources they need to make things happen. The KBA connects member banks with the resources and network they need to remain an essential part of the lives of the communities they serve. We hope these principles will serve as a keen reminder that the collective role of the Kansas banking industry is more important today than ever. Kansas bankers led through this crisis, and they will lead the rebuilding of our state’s economy coming out of this crisis. Your association stands ready to work with you in the coming year to ensure brighter days for the communities and customers you serve. Your associat ion stands ready to work wi th you in the coming year to ensure brighter days for the communi t ies and customers you serve.