Pub 2. 2022 Issue 3

INVESTMENT PRODUCTS Municipal Bonds Mortgage-Backed Securities Govt. & Agency Bonds Corporate Bonds Brokered CDs Money Market Instruments Structured Products Equities Mutual Funds ETFs FINANCIAL SERVICES Public Finance Investment Portfolio Accounting Portfolio Analytics Interest Rate Risk Reporting Asset/Liability Management Reporting Municipal Credit Reviews Balance Sheet Policy Development and Review ST. LOUI S , MO • OVERLAND PARK, KS • OKLAHOMA C I T Y, OK • AUST IN, TX • DENVER , CO • NASHVI LLE , TN Comprehensive SOLUTIONS 888-726-2880 FBBS believes the success of your team is the future of our firm. MEMBER FINRA & SIPC. INVESTMENTS ARE NOT FDIC INSURED, NOT BANK GUARANTEED & MAY LOSE VALUE. COMMUNITY BANKING CONFERENCE AUGUST 24-26, 2022 ST. CHARLES, MO OCTOBER 18-19, 2022 OMAHA, NE TOGETHER... WE MOVE FORWARD Ben Pankonin Social Assurance The Currency of Trust Chris Kuehl Armada CI Economic Update Mitch Holtus KC Chiefs Announcer Leadership Amber Farley Financial Marketing Solutions Power of Internal Branding Go to our website for all the details and REGISTER today! WWW.MIBANC.COM/EVENT Featured Speakers MEMBER FDIC