Pub. 2 2022 Issue 2

personal relationships as our primary differentiator for so long that we have trouble understanding that is not what many potential clients are looking for today. Instead, they are looking for online transactions, product features, etc. I think we can provide the best of all worlds to our clients. We just need to be nimble and bold enough to invest in the technology to serve younger generations the way they desire while not losing that personal touch. What can we do to remain relevant and continue to be successful? As community banks, we do not have the financial or human capital to develop and maintain innovative technology products and services. That means we must seek out third-party vendors to partner with. Fortunately, there are a lot of options for us from which to choose. Change is difficult for all of us, especially as we get older. The idea of considering fintech options that appeal to younger generations can be overwhelming. ICBA can help you consider the benefits offered by a limited number of fintech companies they have vetted. We cannot rely solely on their due diligence, but they do provide a first line of defense as we consider innovative technology. You can go to ICBA’s ThinkTech page and get information on vendors to help make our banks more attractive to the younger generations. This is not the only option for improving the technology we offer our clients, but it is a starting place. Your core service provider is another source. While they may not be at the forefront of technology, we need to make sure we take advantage of the technology they offer us to appeal to a broader range of clients. Attending the MIBA Annual Conference vendor showcase is another way to visit companies that offer innovative ways to provide our clients with time-saving products and services. MIBA’s endorsed vendor program provides another level of vetting for you. Financial Education The number of regulations and procedures we must follow today is daunting compared to when I started in banking in Continued from page 2 1980. It is darn near impossible for each of us as community banks to have someone read, understand, and be prepared to train our associates on all the regulations, policies, and procedures we need to know. We are fortunate to have access to the MIBA training webinars, seminars, and conferences to benefit from shared costs to accomplish this overwhelming task. We also get some outstanding presenters we would otherwise not be able to afford. Do not miss this benefit as a MIBA member. Working together we can accomplish what we cannot individually. ■ We are fortunate to have access to the MIBA training webinars, seminars, and conferences to benefit from shared costs to accomplish this overwhelming task. We also get some outstanding presenters we would otherwise not be able to afford. 4 | The Show-Me Banker Magazine