INVESTMENT PRODUCTS Municipal Bonds Mortgage-Backed Securities Govt. & Agency Bonds Corporate Bonds Brokered CDs Money Market Instruments Structured Products Equities Mutual Funds ETFs FINANCIAL SERVICES Public Finance Investment Portfolio Accounting Portfolio Analytics Interest Rate Risk Reporting Asset/Liability Management Reporting Municipal Credit Reviews Balance Sheet Policy Development and Review Comprehensive SOLUTIONS 888-726-2880 FBBS believes the success of your team is the future of our firm. MEMBER FINRA & SIPC. INVESTMENTS ARE NOT FDIC INSURED, NOT BANK GUARANTEED & MAY LOSE VALUE. Ever since I met Chris Bryan, I have been impressed with how professional & knowledgeable he is in his work for MIB. Chris knows what MIB can do for Banks and he knows what he can do for your Bank. He brings energy and enthusiasm to everything he is associated with. Chris has the “IT” factor and he makes everyone around him better. He is who you would want on your team and he makes the MIB team better. Chris Bryan with customer Brock Nuckolls of Rock Port, Missouri WHY ? Brock Nuckolls, President/CEO Citizens Bank and Trust of Rock Port Lending Services Operational Services Audit Services* MEMBER FDIC Audit Services are offered thru MIB Banc Services, LLC, a subsidiary of our holding company. 800-347-4MIB *