Pub. 4 2024 Issue 4

What is the most important thing you have learned from this career so far? As a manager, the most important thing I have learned is to be empathetic. There are a lot of emotions when you are dealing with multiple personalities. To be an effective manager, you must learn to manage each employee differently. I also use this skill when working with customers, as finances can bring out many emotions, sometimes difficult ones. What prompted you to want to begin a career in banking? When I walked into FMB to apply for a job I had no idea I would absolutely love it — that it would become my career and I’d still be working here 20 years later. What is the most interesting thing you have learned from this transition to the banking industry? Banking has taught me that consumers rely heavily on your expertise. Most customers know what their need is but they rely on us to direct them to the product that best fits those needs. Customers want to bank with someone they trust and who puts their best interest first. Tell us about the bank’s community investment efforts. We love to give back to our community, so we created a mascot debit card program where we donate a portion of our inner change income to local school districts. Customers are able choose if they would like the mascot debit card, which allows them to help their local district. To date, we have donated over $207,000. Each school district is free to utilize the funds to meet their needs. FMB is also a top contributor for the United Way. FMB has donated over $59,000 in the past five years. Those funds are made up of employee contributions, corporate matches and various internal employee fundraisers throughout the year. What is the bank’s biggest challenge in internet banking/mobile banking? One of the biggest challenges in internet/mobile banking is how to promote a service channel while combating fraud. What’s your favorite thing about your bank/banking in general? My absolute favorite thing about FMB is my coworkers and our team atmosphere. Even with multiple locations we all communicate often and have a bond that is like a family. We celebrate life events together and treat each other with respect. My favorite thing about banking is helping our customers. I have been working at the same location for 20 years and have formed friendships with many customers. I have watched children become adults and have had the privilege to help them finance their first automobile and even purchase or build their first home. Being able to assist families with their financial needs to make their dreams a reality is very rewarding. If you didn’t have a career in banking, what other career would you choose? If I were not in banking, I would want a career where I could use my artistic abilities. I love to make crafts, draw and paint. Andrea loves spending time with her kids at the ball fields. The Show-Me Banker Magazine | 11