Pub. 1 2021 Issue 1

February 2021 | 13 In Memoriam Charles E. Butler II, 1947 - 2020 Charles E. Butler We want to hear NEWS FROM YOU Email your stories to HannahRuge at Charles Edward But ler II, known to most as Charl ie, 73, chairman of the board for Farmers & Merchants Bank, passed away Dec. 8, 2020 af ter a two-week batt le with COVID. Mr. But ler had been with FMB for 44 years, and served as president and CEO unt i l his ret irement, at which t ime he took on the role as chairman of the board. He was also a member and past president of the Missouri Independent Bankers Associat ion. Mr. But ler leaves behind his wife, Connie, three chi ldren, seven grandchi ldren, and one greatgrandchi ld. ■