CALL-UP is a legislative funded program designed to address the limited number of psychiatric services in Utah and improve access to psychiatry consultations. The program serves primary care physicians throughout the state of Utah at no cost. HOW WE CAN HELP: • Consult on psychotropic medication questions • Optimize primary care providers’ ability and confidence to diagnose and treat mild to moderate mental health issues in the primary care setting • Improve quality of care and health outcomes for patients by affording early interventions • Promote and improve behavioral health and physical health integration • Ensure appropriate referrals for individuals with serious health concerns CONSULTATION ACCESS L INK L INE TO UTAH PSYCHIATRY Utah’s Statewide Psych iat r i c Phone Consu l t Serv i ce for Pr imary Care Prov iders 801 . 587. 3636 I uofuhea l th . org/ca l l -up CONSULT HOURS: 12:00 pm–4:30 pm, Monday through Friday (closed on holidays) • 801-587-3636 • call-up REQUEST A CONSULTATION