Pub. 7 2023 Issue 1

Managing your medical practice just got a lot easier. Our expert HR Services and Payroll can help you focus on what’s really important … your patients. 801-270-6851 when you’re trying to match in two different specialties. It took some negotiations together to decide stuff like, do we want to be in the same program, or different? Academic, or community? Location? Etc. When we were early in fourth year, we decided to attend AAFP’s National Conference in Kansas City. It was virtual that year, but it was an opportunity to explore programs across the country. I don’t think we talked to Utah Valley at the time, but we talked to someone at the University of Utah, and his passion for Utah really inspired us to start looking at programs out here. When we interviewed, we both just loved everything about the program: the atmosphere, the faculty, the co-residents. It was a no-brainer. And we’ve loved it here so far. We live about five minutes from work, the skiing has been awesome, the hiking, the parks, just everything. Their Hopes for the Future Julia: Dave is hoping to pursue a career as a hospitalist, and I would like to work primarily in the clinic/outpatient setting with a strong focus in OB. I’m planning to apply to family medicine OB fellowships this summer. We really want to prioritize staying the mountain west and see ourselves settling in Utah or Colorado. I’m also interested in teaching and could even see myself joining a residency as faculty if I’m lucky enough to get the opportunity! Dave: That’s tough to say right now. I’m interested in careers with a more inpatient focus. We’d love to stay around here, but we’re having to negotiate a few factors, not least of which is how few OB fellowships there are. I suppose, in terms of where we see ourselves in practice, I think we could make a really good team for a community, eventually. Julia practicing outpatient and OB, while I practice more inpatient. If you could go back in time and give yourself some advice either as a medical student or new intern, what would you tell your younger self? Do you have any advice for those looking at pursuing a couple’s match? Julia: Talk to other couples when you match. It always helps to hear from those who’ve been through it. Make sure you pick the program that works for you, not just your partner. It’s OK to support each other as individuals as well as a couple. I would tell my younger self to get excited. It’s more fun and more rewarding than I could have imagined. And going through it with your best friend is even better. Dave: I guess the only advice I’d give myself is to just keep my head down, keep studying and moving forward. It’s a marathon from undergraduate through residency, and there’s really nothing you can, or should, do to speed it up. 15 |