Pub. 7 2023 Issue 2

say that need drives innovation, and it is fair to say that our need is great, especially here in Utah. For practicing physicians, it is important to stay engaged, be a leader and continue to be a positive influence not only to our patients but to the community and future leaders. For medical schools and teachers in family medicine, it will be important to make training more efficient, less time-consuming and more affordable. Doing this while still maintaining high-quality standards will be the challenge. It will take the perspective of experienced physicians to help determine how the training could be altered to achieve those goals. I place a high priority on teaching students the importance of developing good judgment and decision-making capacity in addition to the knowledge base and technical skills. This is harder to achieve as it must be developed rather than taught or memorized. It also takes the most time. Together, we can continue to shape medical education and practice to keep family medicine the center of our healthcare system and our communities. Providing safe and high-quality products for the medical industry since 1991. CALL US TODAY! (800) 488-2436 Offering a broad selection of hand washing and sanitizing products, surface disinfectants and cleaners, sterilizers, soaps and more. 17 |