Pub. 7 2023 Issue 2

are immediately perceived as an indictment of themselves. The worse outcomes for people of heavier size almost disappear when correcting for microaggressions and social determinants of health.31,32,34-40 Health is not a function of your size. Hypertension is a disease. Diabetes is a disease. Anorexia is a disease whose risk of mortality is based on the degree of disordered behaviors, not weight. Medical training and the healthcare community have taught us that being at a higher weight is a disease. Let’s recognize that last statement as being part of the 50% that gets later proven wrong. Let’s treat our patients as people deserving of care, no matter what their demographics. Sara is a HAES-aligned family- and sports-medicine physician who practices at her clinic, The PEAAC, in Millcreek, UT. She specializes in treating people with eating disorders and performing artists/athletes/ musicians. She serves as a Team U.S.A. doctor for U.S. Figure Skating, U.S.A. Gymnastics and U.S.A. 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