Utah Engineers Journal 2021 Issue

43 Body of Knowledge No. 2. Framing the Integrated Digital Environment for Acquisitions We are in the throes of understanding the Digital Galaxy, which might look different and have different turns depending on your programs, knowledge, and, more importantly, your knowledge of the digital universe. Figure 3.0 Integrated Digital Environment Example Visualization Visualization techniques and tools are used to display the results in various visual forms to be processed so they can be presented to the users in a meaningful way. 7 “ Visualization is the act or process of interpreting in visual terms or of putting an object, situation, or set of information into visible form.” 6 One note of importance is that the integrated digital environment includes integrating programmatic information (such as the program manager, financial manager, logistics manager, and so on) with the engineering models and data, resulting in an environment that is a truly integrated acquisition program. It is not a paper-based product anymore, but a digital galaxy. One notional body of knowledge example is in the graphic below (Figure 3.0), which shows a simple government integrated digital environment with multi- levels of security communities exchanging knowledge, models, and data from a contractor’s integrated digital environment, also at multi-levels of security. The two- dimensional graphic does not do the relationship justice since that bidirectional arrow happens at quantum speeds in the new digital galaxy. Continued on the following page