Pub 4 2022-2023 Issue 1

 Before a winter ozone alert: o Review information about ozone and the need to reduce emissions. o Update worn or missing “Latch the Hatch” signs. o Clean and maintain thief hatch closure surfaces and replace worn gaskets.  Refresh VOC and NOx reduction ideas when an alert starts. Agree on a plan for the alert.  Double-check thief hatches to ensure they are closed. Latch the Hatch!  Ensure flare/combustor pilots are lit. Double check to ensure that any flares in use are lit.  Minimize liquid hauling from well sites other than sites equipped with a LACT unit.  Conduct OGI and/or AVO inspections of components. Repair leaks.  Postpone or avoid maintenance that could lead to emissions. o Consider avoiding liquids unloading, blowdowns, pigging, venting.  Limit vehicle idling. Maintain speed limits. Combine trips (work, shopping, errands, etc.).  Delay refilling methanol and chemical tanks.  Use only paints, chemicals, cleaning, and personal care products with low VOC emissions.  Reduce production as needed to eliminate or minimize flaring.  Postpone flowback and completion activities.  Postpone or avoid gas releases associated with compressor startups and shutdowns.  Reduce circulation rates of glycol dehydrators.  Capture/control emissions from equipment. Reducing Emissions During Wintertime Ozone Alerts 7 UPDATE