SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENT TURNUP PERFORMANCE Brinderson Achieves Zero Recordable Incidents in 2021 In 2021, Brinderson provided construction, maintenance, and turnaround services at more than 20 client facility locations and expended roughly 1 million work hours with zero recordable incidents. In fact, Brinderson has not had a recordable incident since July 2020. Brinderson’s safety excellence is the result of a dedicated team that practices safe behaviors and has a strong safety culture, demonstrated by a 10-year average 0.27 total recordable incident rate. Below are clients and facility locations with zero recordable incidents for many years. • Aera Energy (Shell & ExxonMobil), California (12 years) • Chevron, El Segundo, California (4 years) • Chevron Terminals, California (8 years) • Marathon, Anacortes, Washington (4 years) • Marathon, Los Angeles, California (4 years) • Marathon, Martinez, California (6 years) Brinderson’s focus on safety is demonstrated by developing personnel, systems, and behaviors that promote a safe work environment. This focus is consistent with its values and extends from senior leadership to each craft person. The safety of each employee is Brinderson’s top priority. This achievement represents Brinderson’s safety culture and demonstrates that its employees believe in the core value that “Zero Incidents are possible.”