Pub. 2 2020-2021 Issue 1

Ovintiv Inc. acquired Newfield Exploration early in 2019, an outstanding community partner for many years. The Company is the largest oil producer in the state of Utah and has long been a good community partner—contributing time and dollars to a number of worthy causes in the Uinta Basin. to acquire property to expand our Physical Therapy & Wellness Center. UBH conducts a community health need assessment every three years. Obesity and diabetes consistently rank in the top health concerns for our community. Currently, the 2020 report ranks diabetes as our No. 1 concern. Introducing a wellness center to our community will greatly contribute to improving the health of our community. What are some of the characteristics of the Medical Center or perhaps your team’s accomplishments you are most proud of? At Uintah Basin Healthcare, the characteristic I am most proud of is our culture. We have worked diligently to design a culture where we pay extraordinary attention to detail. We intentionally align the entire organization around our values of respect, integrity, compassion and excellence. Our Healing Model was established to guide our staff in daily interactions as we provide outstand- ing compassionate care. I also am proud of the many milestones we have achieved in the past ten years. Technology innovations have included robotic-arm assisted surgery, a nursing simulation lab, a new electronic medical records system, the first-ever digital broadband wide-bore MRI, a new tele-audiology program for newborns, 3D mammography, and the growth of telehealth services. How has the Medical Center responded to COVID-19 in the Uintah Basin? Uintah Basin Healthcare, in partnership with our medical providers, took precautionary measures to be prepared to successfully protect our staff, patients and community over the past eight months as the COVID-19 pandemic has progressed. Some of the actions taken, including delaying elective surgeries, putting The Senior Villa & Rehabilitation Center (long-term care facility) in fully secured mode, creating more negative pressure treatment areas, and revising a multitude of processes, have required extraordinary efforts and dedication from our team. We implemented a tent triage system to screen patients prior to arriving at our facility and to provide testing. We partnered with our local health department and TestUtah to expand free local testing capacity throughout the Uintah Basin. We have continued a screening system for all who enter our facilities, requiring masks and sanitizing prior to entry. These processes are continually monitored and revised as needed. We have worked collaboratively to obtain and provide the proper PPE for our staff as well as masks for our patients and visitors. We also have created solutions and partnerships to obtain needed testing supplies. Beyond the pandemic, are there any unique needs or health concerns that stand out to you in the Uintah Basin? As a 501(c)(3), hospital organizations must complete a community health needs assessment (CHNA) every three years. Report findings showcase our community’s perception of top health concerns and are used to support community-based strategic planning and to guide community collaborations and partnerships to address key issues. The top three health concerns in this year’s CHNA were 1) diabetes, 2) alcohol abuse and 3) drug use. In addition to putting a strong focus on these three top health concerns, we continue to focus on expanding services to address barriers to access. How can the industry continue to stay connected to or recognize the achievements of front line health care providers during the COVID-19 pandemic? At Uintah Basin Healthcare, we have put a strong focus on communication. Utilizing various methods including website, social media, mass email, video, newspaper, radio, etc, we have strived to provide timely updates to our community. We have released messages of gratitude focusing on healthcare, grocers, teachers and business. We are partnering with our schools now to release joint messages regarding the importance of taking measures to protect our community. We also have partnered with the American Hospital Association (AHA) to push a masking campaign to our area. We encourage our community to follow our COVID webpage at covid-19-information to receive the latest updates. 15 UP DATE