Pub 2 2020-2021 Issue 3
Chairman’s Message Josh Jemente, HollyFrontier I am thrilled to take over as Chairman of the Utah Petroleum Association. As things continue to approach whatever we call “normal,” it is important to remember that there will always be challenges associated with oil and natural gas development, no matter what happens. As we have seen firsthand, the world is unpredictable, political winds shif t and change, and we can never fully know what awaits us down the road. One constant in the oil and natural gas industry is adaptability and evolution, and our members of the Utah Petroleum Association demonstrate those values. Oil and natural gas are unlikely to be universally popular. Still, it is incumbent upon us to continue innovating, telling our story, and conveying the value that we bring every day in delivering the energy that powers our daily lives. Here’s an example from the refining industry. As consumers have begun to demand lower carbon fuels, many refineries have begun either converting or expanding refining facilities to produce renewable diesel. Chemically identical to regular petroleum diesel, renewable diesel is a low-carbon fuel made from renewable sources. It produces less greenhouse gas emissions while performing the same as regular petroleum diesel. Renewable diesel can be used anywhere that regular diesel is used, without modification to engines or infrastructure. This is but one example out of countless others from across our industry. Still, it stands as a testament to the adaptability and innovation of the fossil fuel industry, two words you do not of ten hear associated with us outside of our circles. In helping to shepherd stories like this, we evolve the larger cultural conversation around what we do, how we do it, and why I am excited about my role as Chairman for UPA. I look forward to working with all of you, and if there is anything I can do personally to encourage your work or amplify your message, do not hesitate to contact me at Thank you for your continued good work and support of the Utah Petroleum Association. 6 UP DATE
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