Pub3. 2021-2022 Issue 4

President’s Message Rikki Hrenko-Browning Looking at the second half of the year already quickly rounding on us, I wish to strike a note of gratitude for our members’ generous support of UPA’s recent spate of summer events and the ability to see so many of our members in person, in the flesh, smiling, laughing, and connecting in a way that a virtual meeting renders impossible. We are nearly back to relatively normal, having persevered through the many personal and professional hardships we have weathered, and being around the fine people who work in our industry has been energizing. In this issue, you’ll read about events that have passed and those events yet to come. We harp on this point a lot, but it bears repeating because it can be so existentially frustrating for those who do the work we do. The oil and natural gas industry is chock full of people who not only do the vital work of finding, developing, transporting and refining the products all of us use on a daily basis, it ’s filled with genuinely good, salt-of-the-earth people who Thank you for the work you do and for the good you do in your community. People may not understand us, our industry, or our work. But that’s never stopped us from putting our shoulder to the wheel before, and it won’t now. 6 UPDATE