RETAIL WARRANTY REIMBURSEMENT ARMATUS WORKS WITH 50% OF UTAH DEALERS ON AVERAGE, UTAH DEALERS ADDED $89,028 IN LABOR UPLIFT ANNUALLY ON AVERAGE, UTAH DEALERS ADDED $87,720 IN PARTS UPLIFT ANNUALLY ARMATUS HAS COMPLETED OVER 129 SUBMISSIONS IN UTAH The new Utah Warranty Reimbursement law went into effect on May 4th, 2023. While some dealers were previously able to submit for retail reimbursement under the old law, the new law provides significant advantages to help you achieve your true retail rates and all dealers should be taking advantage of this opportunity. Reach out to us today for a no-obligation evaluation of your parts and labor rates. OUR COMMITMENT TO OUR CLIENTS: ÙYou Won’t Lift a Finger: Armatus does all the work for you. ÙFully Contingent Fee: You only pay when you are approved. ÙSpeed and Accuracy: No one can complete a submission faster. ÙData Governance: Your customer information is safe with us. (888) 477-2228 WWW.DEALERUPLIFT.COM