Pub 11 2023 Issue 1

BANKER DAY AT THE UTAH STATE LEGISLATURE BY BRIAN COMSTOCK, Director of Communications & Marketing, Utah Bankers Association Nearly 100 bankers met at the Utah State Capitol on Valentine’s Day. But “love” was not the buzzword on this day; that title belonged to ESG. Utah State Treasurer Marlo Oaks greeted attendees with some pointed words about ESG and his firm belief that it has no place in capital markets. UBA President Howard Headlee then walked the group through some of the bills from this legislative session that were keeping him up at night, including a couple of Senate bills that would be debated in committee later in the morning. After receiving this key background and some talking points, the bankers scattered throughout the building to meet with legislators from their districts, sit in committee meetings, and take in the proceedings in the House and Senate chambers. The impact of this large and united group reverberated through the halls and will benefit the banking industry in Utah, a great display of the power of participating in our political process! n 18