Pub. 10 2022 Issue 1

Issue 1. 2022 7 communication and problem-solving skills and achieving your goals, you increase your confidence. 3. Grow Your Social Network When you enter a (virtual) classroom, you are given the opportunity to interact with others from both within and outside of your industry with a variety of professional backgrounds. Being exposed to a broader professional network allows you to know people in similar situations or with different perspectives. 4. Enhance Your Soft Skills Just because you have reached a high-level management position does not mean you should stop learning. When you open your mind to life-long learning, you learn far more than just a different management style or creating an inf luential presentation or even just the newest regulations. You also learn more subtle but equally important skills. These so-called “soft skills” include strong abilities in communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Each of these talents can add value to your organization, wherever you are in it. 5. Demonstrate a Strong Work Ethic Pursuing growth through education and training, in addition to your normal work routine, will most likely not make your schedule easier. It takes work to stay on top of all you must do, but doing so will demonstrate a strong work ethic to your team and your supervisors. Education is always something direct reports, supervisors, and business executives like to see. When employees have the drive and initiative to expand their knowledge, it is a good sign that they will benefit the company further. Many companies realize that promoting lifelong learning principles is a great investment in their future success. The knowledge gained can be both factual and practical, and the information you learn may not just be interesting but of great use in your current role, to where you hope to go and keep you young at heart. n The Utah Bankers Association provides you access to exceptional instructors —with years of industry insights and experience —who facilitate interactive course sessions focused on the important economic, regulatory, and competitive pressures facing the industry today, as well as management and leadership essentials, diversity in the workplace, and more. Education and training are the keys to personal growth and development.