Pub. 10 2022 Issue 3 30 Find out how Vericast can help you build a winning lending strategy for what’s now and what’s next. STEPHENIE WILLIAMS Vice President, Financial Institution Product and Strategy, Vericast Stephenie has more than 20 years of experience in direct marketing, strategic planning, product management, and promotions in the financial services industry. © 2022 Ve r i cas t / Al l R i ght s Rese r ved / CS073 1 Source for All Data: 2022 Vericast Dynata Financial Health Survey, n=1000 > Home equity loans allow homeowners to leverage elevated home values and turn them into the funds they need to pay bills, make overdue home improvements, pay off debt, or even take a vacation — and, best of all, provide much-needed peace of mind. > While credit card offers on the surface seem like a solution inconsistent with rising debt, a closer look shows how credit cards can stem the rising tide of debt with low- and nointerest rate balance transfers and squelch rising prices with rewards for groceries and gas. > Fixed-rate personal loans offer a quick, no-collateral way for qualified customers to have the flexibility to make large purchases, consolidate debt, or tide them over until the economy improves. Be Data-Driven and Creative Data is key to lending success during inflationary times. With the right targeting, you can lend smartly, with fewer concerns. Here are a few proven strategies: > Run a one-time or ongoing loan generation campaign. Target homeowners with credit card debt. You could also enroll in triggerbased alerts for customers applying for loans with other lenders. > Conduct a proactive outbound call campaign. Use your data for a variety of targets including existing mortgage holders or customers who have payments going to credit cards other than yours. > Use highly targeted digital advertising. Use demographic, intention and behavioral data points to connect with customers through digital banking, and on connected tv or the web. Using data will help you be top of mind — and trusted — when the need arises. It’s Primetime for Lending and Connecting Now is the time to pour your energies into executing a successful omnichannel, data-driven loan acquisition campaign. Show customers and prospects that you truly understand and care about their problems and challenges by offering solutions that address their financial and emotional needs and gain their trust.