Pub. 10 2022 Issue 3

The Bottom Line 2
Upcoming UBA Events 3
Washington Update: Breaking Down the Debate Over Digital Assets 4
Federal Home Loan Bank Celebrates 90 Years 7
Sixth Annual UBA Gold Classic a Swinging Success 8
Cryptocurrency: Safe or "SUS"? 10
For Community Banks, The Sun Also Rises 12
As Client Needs Evolve, Banks are Expanding Offerings Through Correspondent Banking 14
The Edulogue 16
Crucial Steps in a Data Breach Plan For Financial Organizations 18
UBA Fall Washington, D.C, Visit 20
Emerging Bank Leaders Spotlight 21
Bank Kudos 22
Bankers on the Move 24
UBA Community Reinvestment Conference 26
Questions, Issues and Strategies Involved in Opening Accounts Online 27
Loan Strategies to help Your Customers Fight Inflation and Earn Their Trust 28
New Association Member 31
UBA Associate Members 32
A Case Study: Lenders Beware of an Expiring Statute of Limitations 35