Pub. 10 2021 Issue 1

17 S p r i n g | 2021 U N D E R S T A N D I N G B A N K P R O F I T A B I L I T Y This virtual event is designed to provide an overview of the key factors that drive bank profitability and to promote a better understanding of financial statements and key financial ratios. Our Bank Profitability class has been rebuilt to add fresh perspectives to learning what drives profitability in your bank. This virtual program will teach bankers new ways of thinking of your bank’s financial performance and the culture that ties it all together. “The Language of Banking”– overview of the terms and metrics bankers use in managing the financial performance of the bank Remaining flexible and adaptive in order to remain competitive The role of culture in driving excellent financial performance Topics Branch and department managers Recently hired outside directors Emerging leaders within the bank Audience Schedule 10:00AM-2:00PM EST BOTH DAYS Byron Earnheart is the Programming Director at the Barret School of Banking. He has nearly 20 years in the banking/financial services industry. He has a bachelor's degree in finance, MBA from Christian Brothers, and a graduate from Barret School of Banking Trish Springeld has been working with banks, retailers, educators and corporate trainers for over 27 years on how to Energize, Optimize and most importantly, Capitalize on growth opportunities in their industry. April 7-8, 2021 Cost is $475 Register: