Pub. 10 2021 Issue 3
This magazine is designed and published by The newsLINK Group, LLC | 1.855.747.4003 Virginia Association of Community Banks 7204 Glen Forest Drive, Suite 101 Richmond, VA 23226 More than 1,300 banks have earned nearly $800MM in combined interest income – with $1.1B sold to banks in 2021. WHAT YOUR BANK CAN EXPECT: 2.65 – 5.90% return for your bank ~$10MM in loans available for purchase daily $0 Historical Loss on the BHG Core Loan Program 35K+ borrowers come to BHG for financing monthly The #1 Source for Top-Performing Loans Explore recently sold loans in seconds at BHG PROFESSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS FICO * 737 YRS IN INDUSTRY * 19 INCOME * $ 275,000 AVG. LOAN SIZE $ 103,000 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID SALT LAKE CITY, UT PERMIT NO 508
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