Pub. 13 2024 Issue 3

Is your community bank secure? Meet Dina. Dina provides clients with the guidance they need to steer clear of card fraud all year long. Working together with ICBA Payments partners, she ensures client banks are receiving the level of care and support they deserve. Even when she’s waiting to pick up her kid from practice, she’s scribbling notes on how we can better protect banks from fraud. By working with ICBA Payments, your bank has Dina’s ongoing support. Learn more at work and with the help of Vetted Solutions, our professional search firm, I am pleased to announce we have hired a new CEO, Mr. Corey Connors. Corey comes to us with many years of association leadership, a proven track record of state and federal advocacy, a business acumen for revenue generation and membership growth, and a stellar reputation. While our search was national, best of all, he is a Virginian residing in Richmond. He knows the Commonwealth, and he understands our business climate and culture. I am excited for him to join us on our journey of community banking. I look forward to introducing Corey at the VACB Annual Convention at Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg in October. Congratulations, Corey! If you have not yet decided to attend the Annual Convention, please check the VACB website. You will find the list of outstanding speakers, including ICBA President and CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey. Monday night will be a 1920s-themed celebration where we can congratulate Steve on his retirement and welcome Corey to the VACB. I hope to see everyone there. Sincerely, Joe Witt Chair 5 The CommunityBanker