It’s a New Year. Is it the right time to make a bold move? Find out. Our Dealers are working closely with us to finalize their F&I Business Plans for 2023... carefully reviewing 2022 production and expenses to create their best STRATEGY for the year to come! Every dealership is different but some factors to consider may be: What return of, or growth in, retail is anticipated? Should provisions be made to allow for higher chargebacks due to the prior year’s unique factors? Are pay plans producing the expected and projected net income results? Are training schedules set? Is department compliance set? What provisions have been made to grow the F&I business faster than growth in retail sales? GIVE US A CALL for a no obligation department analysis... Wishing you a prosperous 2023! Let us get to work and see how we can exceed your expectations. | (704) 554-9422 | Time to strategize for 2023!