Pub. 14 2023 Issue 2

The Baker Group LP is the sole authorized distributor for the products and services developed and provided by The Baker Group Software Solutions, Inc. Oklahoma City, OK | Austin, TX | Dallas, TX | Houston, TX | Indianapolis, IN | Long Island, NY | Salt Lake City, UT | Springfield, IL Member: FINRA & SIPC | 800.937.2257 MEETING CLIENT NEEDS » Asset Liability Management » Investment Portfolio Services » ALM/Investment Education » Funding/Liquidity Management » Bond Accounting/Analytics/ Software Solutions » Public Finance » Regulatory Compliance To be successful in today's financial climate, you must have not only the proper partner, but also the proper approach to achieve high performance. The Baker Group is this partner, and our approach is to offer sound strategies and accurate information to guide your institution to the next level. This is the reason we’ve been the industry’s recognized leader in innovation for more than forty years. To experience The Baker Approach in meeting your financial objectives, call your Baker representative or Ryan Hayhurst at 800.937.2257. The Baker Approach