Pub 1 2021 Issue 1

9 SUSTAINING MEMBERS “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi There are things that come into your life that profoundly change the way you see the world. CARE Fair was one of those events for me. It was purely my honor to be one of the guides of all the goodness that is CARE Fair. There is no lack of inspiration and terror that comes with creating something new. Being honest about the moments of fear, such as that none of the agencies would commit to coming, is important for all those who will direct new projects in the future. The greatest thing about the Junior League of Salt Lake City is that you are never alone in these creations. My committee was filled with believers who were devoted to every idea, detail, and vision. The fear had no chance in that crowd. This experience genuinely changed me and opened my eyes to a world I thought I knew but had little insight into the real challeng- es some families face. The more I learned about how hard it was to do the basics, the things I did with my own children, the more I was propelled into action. I remember thinking, “my goodness, taking a bus to every appointment, records department, and agency all while working full time to support their children!” I wondered how these parents did it and knew it was vitally important for us to help in any way we could. These parents provided all the inspiration one will ever need. Our first morning, when we opened our doors, I had no idea if anyone would show up. We held our collective breath, and then families, with their beautiful children, came in, allowing us to ease some of their burdens. The dentists, doctors, social service agencies, immunization van, and various other services stayed steadily busy. All that volunteer goodness filled my heart. Now, seeing what you have made of the CARE Fair is simply mind blowing! Thank you for your stewardship in seeing those that we can serve and making it all happen. Our community is full of good souls, and the Junior League of Salt Lake City is the cream of the crop. My gratitude is endless for the opportunity to plant a tiny seed that you nur- tured into so much goodness. WHEN IT COMES TO AMAZING AND INSPIRING SUSTAINING MEMBERS, THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF SALT LAKE CITY HAS NO SHORTAGE. MANY OF THESE WOMEN HAVE PROFOUNDLY IMPACTED THEIR COMMUNITIES IN WAYS THAT CAN’T BE MEASURED, WHETHER BIG OR SMALL. In conjunction with our first ever JLSLC magazine, we highlight a few Sustaining Members who also conquered significant “firsts” in their League years. We start with a piece highlighting the gratitude and grace behind Connie Roller’s narrative as she pioneered CARE Fair for the first time 28 years ago. Next, we dive into an inspiring sentiment from Janet Frasier, the director during Women Helping Women’s opening year. Finally, we follow a remarkable journey from Katy Andrews, the JLSLC president, during the year we fundraised for and purchased our building. FOSTERING CHANGE IN OUR COMMUNITY WITH CARE FAIR Connie Roller, CARE Fair Director 1992