Pub. 3 2023 Issue 1

Women Helping Women Continues Its Tradition of Empowerment By Karmel Harper Since 1996, our Women Helping Women boutique has served over 17,000 women by providing professional attire and other essential items to assist them with re-entering the workforce as they transition to self-sufficiency. The 2022–2023 league year continued in this effort as we returned to our full-service hours after limited access during the pandemic. Since June of 2022, Women Helping Women: P R O V I D E D 3,400 items of clothing and other necessities Currently, the Junior League of Salt Lake City partners with 53 agencies 10 of which are new this year to connect women with the necessities they need to feel their best. COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS P R O V I D E D 72 hours of service S E R V E D 450 clients L E A G U E M E M B E R S P R O V I D E D 2,604 hours of service 10 Women Elevated