Pub 10 2023 Directory

My next tour was the Southeast Community Center in Bay City. I was intrigued by this project as it was designed by the architectural staff of the city as opposed to soliciting proposals from various firms. This was a departure from their typical duties in the building, planning and zoning organization of the city. They did a nice job creating a community center, daycare facility and public park, as well as integrating with the diversity of the neighborhood. They also had to deal with the challenges of meeting budgets and public scrutiny in the process. My final and favorite tour was of the SF State University Student Union Building, completed in 1968 and designed by Paffard Keatinge-Clay, who spent a small amount of time working for both Frank Lloyd Wright and LeCorbusier. I believe you can see their influence on him. Paffard did not win this commission the first time around, as the original firm selected for the project got removed in the political scheme of things and opened the door for his second shot at the project. Nevertheless, it is a fantastic project that captures your attention both inside and out with exquisite concrete detailing and symbolic representations that still resonate strongly today. I expect that A’24 in Washington, D.C., will prove to have an equally impressive set of tours, programs and keynote speakers to inspire those who attend. Save up and take some well-deserved time off. San Francisco City Hall — Dome Colonade at Dome Southeast Community Center Southeast Community Center — Lobby SF State University Student Union Bldg. 1 Pivot Entry Door Whale Bone Sculpture 21