PUB. 11 2021-2022 Issue 2

A Word From CBA: Industry Advocacy Starts with ‘People-People’ 2
Chairman's Message: Banks and Trust 4
Feature: The Pandemic and the Continuing Supervisory Guidelines 6
Washington Update: Time’s Up: Congress Must Stop Credit Union Purchases of Taxpaying Banks 10
Mortgage Borrowers Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic 2021 and Onward 14
New CFPB Rule Offers Flexibility with Foreclosures 16
Avoid Negative HSA Balances and their Negative Tax Consequences 18
Replacing LIBOR: Pros and Cons of Alternative Rates 20
Cyber Resilience: Adapting to a Changing Cyberattack Evironment 22
Rates Don’t Matter Much If You Have A Plan 26
Embracing Digital Statements to Enhance Customer Engagement 28