Pub. 3 2021 Issue 6

such as ADAS and CAN-bus systems. They also presented the new Mazda automotive student training program (MAST) that will roll out at Nashua Community College in the Fall of 2022. This program provides certified training in conjunction with NCC automotive courses and on-thejob training with mentors in Mazda service departments. It comes with many incentives for students who join, such as tool and tuition reimbursement and enrollment in the DRIVE program to lease a vehicle from Mazda. In the afternoon, we were joined by John Sawyer Jr., Vice President of Portsmouth Ford and Derek Federico, Service Manager, to discuss the industry outlook on Electric Vehicles. “While there is still a lot of unknown, we recognize that EV is coming and we should start preparing now,” Sawyer Jr. said. “Laying the foundation with students in regard to safety and awareness is a great place to start.” They brought a Ford Mustang Mach-E with them for the instructors to check out. NCC was also a recipient of an electric Switch vehicle through a grant from the Department of Education, and instructors got the chance to take the Switch for a drive. The event wrapped up with small group discussions regarding curriculum planning, enrollment trends and recruitment, internships, and technology in the classroom. Brian Bishop from TechEd products was on hand to demo their zSpace product, a virtual reality learning tool incorporating the ASE curriculum into the training modules. Lisa Diggins, instructor for Huot Career Center in Laconia, said, “I found it helpful to catch up with the state troopers and learn the new laws that have been updated over the past 20 years also collaborating with my peers, learning and interacting with a lot of different people, electric vehicles, and adaptive vehicles.” For more information, please reach out to Kate Amrol at or 603-224-2369. Evaluations for: BEFORE YOU THINK ABOUT SELLING It's not just a multiple. Thinking about buying, selling or determining the value of your dealership? Nancy Phillips Associates can help you determine the best course of action and guide you to success. Nancy Phillips President Carrie Phillips Forbes VP of Dealership Sales 603-658-0004 MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DEALERSHIP IS WORTH. Determination of Market Value Targeted Acquisition Valuations Partnership Buy in/Buy out Valuation for Estate Planning THE NEED FOR QUALIFIED TECHNICIANS IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY IS AT AN ALL-TIME HIGH. N E W H A M P S H I R E 7