Pub. 2 2022 Directory

NANCY SPARKS A MESSAGE FROM YOUR 2022 KADA CHAIRWOMAN Dear KADA Members, What an amazing year 2021 was for the automotive industry. I trust it was an eventful year for each and every one of you in your own way. With us well on our way into 2022, there is much to do. I am proud to be part of the KADA Executive Board as your Chairwoman in this exciting year. I believe in the spirit of teamwork; as dealer principal of 11 franchises with over 400 employees, I know the value of a good team. KADA has assembled that team for you as well. We have an outstanding group of dealers serving on your behalf. I am confident we will be sharing much progress in the upcoming year. Our industry has and is still facing many challenges in the months and years ahead. KADA realizes the importance of these challenges and is here to represent you, the Kentucky dealers. The KADA board works closely with our legislators on key issues that protect the dealers’ interest. We are very excited that the Modernization Bill has officially passed. This means that by 2024, we should be on our way to modernizing the titling and registration process, making it electronic and eliminating many of the challenges you faced in the past. Stay tuned for more on that and other key issues. As always, we will represent the Association to the best of our ability, however your input and participation is always welcome and needed. I believe that the automotive industry is one of the greatest in the world. The network of dealers is some of the most talented men and women in the business arena. We are resilient. As I mentioned, we have challenges ahead of us and need to engage with our legislators and those who have influence on our business. KADET allows us to do just that. I encourage you to join me and many of your fellow dealers in supporting and contributing to the KADET Fund. We will work hard for you this year and will act on your behalf. Communication is important. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any member on the Board of Directors or any Executive Board member with issues or questions you may have. There is an updated directory on the website as well for your guidance. Lastly, I would like to invite you to join us at the KADA Convention on June 20-23, 2022 at the Omni Grove Park Inn in the gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountains. This is an incredible opportunity to network with your fellow dealers, learn about the latest trends affecting your business and enjoy some fun with your family in Asheville, North Carolina. Best, Nancy Sparks The Kerry Automotive Group 4 KENTUCKY AUTO DEALER