Storytelling Is What We Do!

This story appears in the
Association Focus Pub 2 2022 Issue 2

Who Are We?

The newsLINK Group is an agency that focuses specifically on content marketing. We specialize in helping with member communications and provide valuable content to help increase membership and generate revenue.

What Do We Do?

We tell stories. The publications we produce for trade associations, nonprofit organizations and professional service firms help connect them with members or clients. This minimizes the time, effort and money that often goes into handling all aspects of an organization’s communication strategy.
Our client’s award-winning magazines are recognized as a valuable and informative resource keeping members up to date on important industry news.

How Can We Help Your Association?

We can help keep your members in the loop on relevant industry topics, legislative and legal updates, training, education, events and so much more.

Statistics have shown that consistent, high-quality communication is the key to retaining current members, recruiting new members and renewing members who have either temporarily fallen off membership rosters or who require a visual reminder of the benefits of membership.

A professional magazine is another important medium that allows you to provide the insights necessary to help your members become more successful.

Are You Ready?

Your story is just waiting to be told, and that’s where we come in — storytelling is what we do … let us tell yours!

Give us a call today at (801) 676-9722 and find out just how easy it is to get started.