Pub. 7 2023 Issue 2

perspective. Darlene’s influence on our advocacy work is incalculable. We are incredibly lucky she is so knowledgeable about healthcare policy and dedicated to our advocacy work. It was an easy decision to give her this award.” AAFP President Dr. Steven Furr joined us this year and touched on several issues family physicians are facing this year, including updates on telehealth controlled substance Rx flexibilities, the MATE Act, the CMS G2211 add-on code, the value of serving on AAFP Commissions, AAFP’s current federal advocacy efforts and AAFP’s strategic plan for the next three years, which includes finding ways to increase family medicine’s representation in communities and how DEI work is being intentionally integrated across all AAFP’s work. Dr. Furr also conducted the swearing-in ceremony of UAFP’s new Board President for 2023-2024, Dr. Michael Chen, and conferred two new AAFP Fellows, Dr. Tiffany Ho and Dr. Jordan Knox. We hope that you can join us next year in the fall of 2024 for this annual celebration of family medicine in Utah! Newly conferred AAFP Fellows, Dr. Tiffany Ho and Dr. Jordan Knox, with Dr. Stephen Furr. Dr. Saphu Pradhan presented Dr. Shannon Baker with the UAFP Family Medicine Physician of the Year Award. 11 |